It is always good to take a break from the dusty, stressful and dangerous mining industry for a breath of fresh air. Frequent breaks can do wonders for your mental wellbeing and are so important to keep those stress and depression levels low. One of the best breaks you can possibly take when you just need to get away is a good old fishing expedition.

Why fishing is so good for you
Fishing, like so many other hobbies, is superb for your health but unlike other hobbies, this one is actually affordable. You don’t need a whole lot of expensive gear and you don’t have to visit an expensive holiday resort to enjoy fishing. This type of sport can be enjoyed in your casual clothing, at a nearby lake that is affordable and with a few basic fishing essentials. And the best part is that even though fishing is affordable it still gives you plenty of benefits like the following;
Improved physical health – When you enjoy this sport you get plenty of vitamin D from the sun, plenty of fresh air and you do a lot of exercises which is great for your overall health.
Improved mental health – Fishing reduces depression and stress because being out in the open where you can enjoy plenty of greens and the calm sound of water naturally combats these conditions and makes you feel splendid.
You get plenty of rest – You don’t have to strain your body on a fishing trip. There is plenty of time for just sitting down, relaxing and waiting for your catch.
Thrilling – Every time you get a bite on that hook you get quite a thrill and pulling out that big catch sure is satisfying.
Improve social skills – This type of sport also boosts your social skills since you have much more to talk about and if you take a few buddies along on your trip you get to know one another much better and improve your communication skills.
Basics you need for fishing
As said before, you don’t need much for a fishing expedition. If you are booking into a cabin all you need to pack is your food, clothes, a good fishing rod and reel and your bait and tackle box. Click here if you are looking for a great looking fishing reel for that old fishing rod of yours. A good and sturdy reel can make a huge difference in the functionality of your fishing rod and is probably one of the most important parts of your fishing kit. It is much better to invest in a good quality rod because you will save heaps of time on untying knots in your fishing line and you greatly reduce the chances of losing your catch if you have a good reel.
If you are tired of all of the hard work, dust and stress of your mining job then take a break and go on exciting fishing trips. You don’t need much gear and you certainly don’t need a whole lot of leave days to enjoy a great fishing day.